Mega Jati Academy Program Advisory Council (PAC) serves as a vital link between academic programs and industry needs. Comprising experts from various sectors, Mega Jati Academy PAC provides strategic guidance to ensure that curricula remain relevant, innovative, and aligned with current trends. By offering insights into emerging industry demands and helping to shape educational objectives, the PAC plays a crucial role in preparing students for real-world challenges. Its collaborative approach fosters strong connections between academia and industry, enhancing the quality of education and ensuring that graduates are equipped with the skills necessary to succeed in their chosen fields.
The Program Advisory Council (PAC) was established on January 2022

Datuk Hashim Abu Hussain holds a Masters degree in Education Management from Massey University New Zealand and also a graduate from Brighton Polytechnic United Kingdom. He served the government for 36 years and within this period he was appointed a myriad of posts including as Assistant Director and Diplomat at the London Malaysian High Commission. Datuk Hashim was also involved in organizing of several international events such as APAC, NAM and CHOGM conference. He had portrayed a very high performance and achievement during his services, nationally and globally. He received Excellence Service Award twice during his civil service as well as conferred Datukship. He has been appointed as an External Advisor for the Faculty of Business, Accounting and Management Segi University.

Prof. Datin Dr. Noor Hamizah A. Hanifah, have more than 35 years of extensive experience of working across all fields of education provision including universities, colleges and private training providers. CEO capabilities with detailed understanding of Education Management as well as Human Capital and Business Development. A well-rounded and experienced Board Committee and Advisor with added commercial strength and values in the establishment and management of Education-Related Businesses. Involved in strategic initiatives for East Corridor Economic Region Development Council (ECERC), Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), Ministry of Rural and Regional Development (KKLW), Department of Skill Education (JPK), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), PTPTN and British Trades Commission. Advises on all regulatory, governance ethics and compliances related matters as well as Technical Vocational and Training (TVET) Skills Empowering training.


Ir. Hizamul-din bin Ab Rahman obtained his Master of Project Management from UTM and Advanced Diploma in Electrical (Power) Engineering from ITM. He served government through JKR for 35 years as Electrical Engineer in various positions. He has design and managed numerous projects especially hospital’s project. Prior retirement 2020, he was the Director of Special Project Team entrusted to managed projects in rehabilitating the Sabah Electricity Supply. Within the period of service, he simultaneously served Board of Engineer (BEM) as Registrar from 2009 until 2020. He is a Professional Engineer with Practicing Certificate and ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer. He also holds competency certificates as Registered Project Manager (JKR), Certified Construction Project Manager (CIDB) and Certified Assessor for Competency Based Workplace Assessments (JKR). He received Excellence Service Award several times during his tenure in government service and was awarded Kesatria Mangku Negara (KMN). Internationally, he had represented BEM in various meetings and conferences such as ASEAN Chartered Professional Coordinating Committee (ACPECC) and International Engineering Alliance Meeting (IEAM). Currently he is appointed to serves BEM in National Monitoring Committee, Acts Committee and Scale of Fee Committee. With Malaysian Asset and Project Management Association (MAPMA), he serves as Certified Assessor in certifying competency of Registered Project Manager.

Datin Faizah Binti Tan Sri Hassan Azhari was admitted and enrolled as an Advocate and Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya in Mac, 1993 and has been in active practice for 28 years and at present she is practising under the name of Messrs. Faizah, Lim & Associates in Kuala Lumpur. She works primarily on Conveyancing, General Civil Litigation, Real Estate Matters and Commercial Banking Instruments. She has also been a volunteer lawyer under the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) later known as Yayasan Bantuan Guaman Kebangsaan since 2001.Apart of her contribution to the Bar, previously she was also a part-time law lecturer at Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) in 2012. She was involved as part of the Legal Consultants with IIUM Entrepreneurship and Consultancy Berhad (IECSB) in the Consultancy Project from the Ministry Of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) in 2019.She is currently appointed as a member of the Disciplinary Committee Panel, Advocates & Solicitors Disciplinary Board. She obtained her LLB (Hons) from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 1992 and MBA from Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, University Utara Malaysia in 2011.


Ir. Hj. Abd Mokhti Salleh was born on 28th of August 1955 in Taiping, Perak. He received an Advanced Diploma in Electrical Power Engineering from IT Manda MSc. Elect. Power Engineering (specialized in Lightning Protection) from Aberdeen University, UK.His specializations are in Lightning Protection System, Grounding System and Surge Protection System. He was appointed as an Associate Professor (visiting) at University Malaysia Perlis (in 2013/2014) and was with JKR from 1981 to 1995.He is a member of The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) Registered Professional Engineers with a Practicing Certificate, member of Association Consulting of Engineers Malaysia (ACEM) and Associate ASEAN Engineer (AAE).

Ir. Abd. Rani Ahmad was born on 10th of April 1958 in Taiping, Perak. He received Post Grad Dip in Building Services Engineering from Glasgow, UK and BSc. Mechanical Engineering in Brighton, CNAA, UK.His specializations are in Railway Engineering and Mechanical Building Services Engineering.He was with JKR from 1984 to 1995. He is also appointed by the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC), Panel for Board of Engineers Malaysia. He is a member of The Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM) Registered Professional Engineers with a Practicing Certificate, Green Building Index Facilitator (GBIF) and an ASEAN Engineer.


The recipient of Productivity Champion Certification in two categories: LEADER and TALENT by Malaysia Productivity Corporation, MPC (2023), listed as Successful People in Malaysia (2022 and 2023) 4th Edition and 5th Edition by Britishpedia Encyclopedia (Malaysia), British Publishing House, London. The recipient of Malaysian Top SME CEO Award, 2022 by Dreamtalents Media, Malaysia, awarded as the Building Engineer of The Year (2022), Built Environment Awards 2022 by the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE), United Kingdom in November 2022.
He is Registered Professional Engineer Malaysia since 2005 and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia in 2020. He holds three competencies as a SPAN Qualified Person (National Water Services Commission-SPAN), a Registered Electrical Energy Manager Registered (REEM) with Suruhanjaya Tenaga Malaysia (ST) and a Certified Construction Project Manager (CCPM) of Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia. He is a also Registered National Industrial Experts (DPIN) with the Ministry of Human Resource Malaysia in 2015 and a Technical Expert of Malaysian Green Technology Corporation beside attached as Industrial Advisory Panel for universities and colleges. In 2022, he was appointed as Professor of Engineering (Building Technology) by Jesselton University College (JUC), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
He secured about 20 memberships and affiliations includes from the Chartered Association of Building Engineers, UK (FCABE) and Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), Institution of Engineers Malaysia (FIEM), ASEAN Engineers Register (ASEAN Eng), ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Engineer (APEC Eng), EMF International PE, (IntPE), Malaysia Green Building Confederation (MGBC), Malaysian Water Association (MWA), Malaysian Society for Engineering & Technology (MySET), Malaysian Invention & Design Society (MINDS) and Malaysia Energy Professional Association (MEPA).
He obtained his PhD in Energy Conservation from USM (2014), Master of Science in Building Technology USM (2010), in year 2000 obtained his B. Eng. (Hons) in Electrical Engineering from UTM, Johor, Malaysia. He is currently the CEO of Mega Jati Academy Sdn Bhd. He is active in engineering education as advisory and assessor panel member of Engineering Accreditation Department as EAC/ETAC Panel for the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM).
Larry Page, co-founder of Google
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